New Years Plans - Entrepreneur Edition

Jan 01, 2024
New Years Plans - Entrepreneur Edition

New Year's Plans - Entrepreneur Edition: Crafting a Vision to THRIVE in 2024

As an entrepreneur in the dynamic realms of real estate and design, the new year marks not just a fresh start but an opportunity to strategically pave the way for entrepreneurial success. Join along as I share my New Year's Plans for 2024, complete with a holistic vision, quarterly breakdowns, and monthly themes for a purposeful and thriving year ahead.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset

Embarking on the entrepreneurial journey into a new year extends far beyond the realm of mere resolutions; it necessitates a profound mindset shift coupled with a meticulous planning strategy for achieving set goals. As the calendar turns its pages to 2024, my overarching theme and word of the year: "Thrive." The thrive theme encapsulates not only the idea of mere growth but a flourishing and robust expansion in every aspect of my entrepreneurial ventures. "Thrive" becomes the guiding force that sets the tone for a twelve-month journey of prosperity, abundance, and commitment to realizing and surpassing my defined goals. The blueprint for this transformative year involves careful planning, strategic initiatives, and dedication to the realization of my new year's plans.

As I dive into my New Year's visioning as a serial entrepreneur, it's time to cozy up and look back on the wild ride that was 2023. High-fives for the wins, recognition of the missteps – it's all part of my 2024 new Year plans strategy session! Picture me in the Wellness House for the Jess King NYE Experience on Peloton,  decked out in my coziest workout gear followed by mapping out my vision surrounded by slippers, candles, and plush blankets because well cozy is the vibe. This isn't your average vision board soirée; it's a chill 2024 planning fest where health, wealth, and love take center stage. Today's soundtrack? The sizzle of homemade tomato sauce with the freshest homegrown tomatoes. So, kick back, sip some tea, and groove with me as I whip up a blueprint for a rocking 2024. Cheers to a thriving year of entrepreneur brilliance and cozy vibes! I have included my planning pages so you can join me in planning for the new year too!

Quarterly Breakdown: A Strategy to Thrive

Q1: January - March - Foundation Building

In the first quarter, the focus is on laying a solid foundation for the year ahead. This sets the stage for thriving months to come. Consistency is the name of the game, this always reminds me of the book I read so many years ago called "The Slight Edge". The book delves into the notion that small, positive habits, compounded over days, months, and years, create a substantial advantage. 

  • January - Consistency

My word for the month that will help me plan to get into a solid health routine for the new year. What is your focus this month? 

  • February - Connection

My word for the month with a focus on relationships x heart. What is your focus this month? 

  • March - Abundance 

With spring time happening, it's a month to focus on abundance and areas that fall under wealth for me. What is your focus this month? 

Q2: April - June - Growth and Expansion

In the second quarter, the entrepreneurial focus shifts towards cultivating growth and implementing expansion strategies that move my goals forward. The spring to summer season is bustling in the desert and the perfect time for more adventure and networking. May is my birthday month and a milestone: 40!

  • April -  Growth

It's time to take all the foundation building and consistency I culminated over the first quarter and grow them! What is your focus this month? 

  • May - Adventure

The first is my 40th birthday and I have some special business plans that will be taking me on some adventures, stay tuned! What is your focus this month? 

  • June - Networking

Time for some socializing and working on more lucrative deals. What is your focus this month? 

Q3: July - September - Creativity and Efficiency

In the third quarter, the entrepreneurial focus pivots towards the mix of creativity and efficiency. The scorching summer days in the desert provide a backdrop for infusing a burst of creativity into business ventures while also heading towards the beach. It's a season of brainstorming fresh ideas, refining existing concepts, and embracing inventive approaches to problem-solving. With July kicking off the quarter, it's not just about fireworks but also sparking new connections and collaborative ventures. The focus is on efficiently translating creative sparks into tangible results.

  • July - Optimize 

Time to review the first half of the year and notate where things can improve and automate tasks in order to create more time for summer holidays and engagements. What is your focus this month? 

  • August - Engagement

This is a month that is about holiday, engaging with friends and family, getting some sunshine and floating in the ocean. Helping families get into new home before the back to school rush commences and soon to be empty nesters plan for the next chapter. What is your focus this month? 

  • September - Accountability 

Back to school/work/projects commence! What is your focus this month? 

Q4: October - December - Culmination and Celebration

As the calendar flips to the fourth quarter, the entrepreneurial journey culminates in a blend of reflection, achievement, and festive celebration. Autumn brings a sense of harvesting the fruits of earlier endeavors and relishing the cooler weather. October starts a season of strategic wrap-ups and final pushes towards annual goals. As the days get shorter, the focus intensifies on concluding projects, meeting milestones, and ensuring that all efforts seamlessly come together. November marks a time of gratitude, appreciating the collaborative efforts and successes achieved. Finally, as December dawns, it's not just about closing chapters but celebrating the journey – a time to revel in the achievements, acknowledge the challenges overcome, and share the joy with the team, clients, and collaborators.

  • October - Harvest

Busy season and one of my favorite months of the year! It is time to pull together all the work from the year and go all in on them, while also enjoying the fruits of my labor. What is your focus this month? 

  • November - Gratitude

Reflecting on the year and the things I am grateful for, where things maybe didn't work out as planned and how I can pivot those ideas or let go. What is your focus this month? 

  • December - Celebration

Cozy vibes, holiday celebrations, wrap up for the year and planning for the next. What is your focus this month? 

Conclusion: A Year of Purpose and Achievement

In crafting my New Year's Plans for 2024, the keyword "THRIVE" becomes an intentional and structured approach ensuring each month contributes to the overarching theme, making 2024 a year of purpose, growth, and achievement in both my entrepreneurial ventures and personal development.

As we near 2024, let the New Year's plans theme of "THRIVE" inspire you to set intentional goals, cultivate resilience, and pave the way for a year of transformation and success. Here's to a purposeful 2024 filled with reaching your goals for wealth, health and heart. Interested in how we can work together or simply want to catch up on what we are planning and up to for 2024. Schedule a call here.

With Love,

Jessica Cure